stcompadj: Estimating conditional cause-specific cumulative incidence functions in the presence of competing risks

The code used in this tutorial, along with links to the data, is available here.

This page provides a link to the Stata code with only limited comments. It is intended primarily to save the code that I used to explore the stcompadj command.

stcompadj (written by Enzo Coviello and available from SSC) estimates conditional cause-specific cumulative incidence functions (in the presence of competing risks) based on a fitted Cox or a flexible parametric regression model.

See Paul Lambert’s page for an illustration estimating marginal (rather than conditional) cause-specific cumulative incidence functions (in the presence of competing risks) based on a fitted flexible parametric regression model.

Paul Dickman
Paul Dickman
Professor of Biostatistics

Biostatistician working with register-based cancer epidemiology.