/*************************************************************************** This code available at: http://pauldickman.com/software/stata/multiple-imputation.do The tutorial based on this code is available at: http://pauldickman.com/software/stata/multiple-imputation/ This code illustrates how to model relative survival with missing covariate data. Paul Dickman, March 2019 ***************************************************************************/ set more off use http://pauldickman.com/data/colon.dta, clear stset surv_mm, failure(status=1 2) scale(12) exit(time 10*12) gen _age = min(int(age + _t),99) gen _year = int(yydx + mmdx/12 + _t) merge m:1 _year sex _age using http://pauldickman.com/data/popmort keep if _merge==3 tab stage /* Check stage distribution over age and gender */ tab stage agegrp, column tab stage sex, column /* Graphs of survival by age group and stage */ stpm2 ib1.stage##i.agegrp , df(5) bhaz(rate) scale(hazard) eform nolog predict survival, surv line survival _t if stage==0, lpattern(dash) sort || /// line survival _t if stage==1, sort || /// line survival _t if stage==2, sort || /// line survival _t if stage==3, sort by(agegrp) /// legend(order(1 "Unknown" 2 "Localised" 3 "Regional" 4 "Distant")) /// name(s_by_stage, replace) ysize(8) xsize(11) ytitle("Relative survival") /// xtitle("years since diagnosis") graph export multiple-imputation1.svg, replace /* Fit model using missing indicator approach */ stpm2 ib1.stage i.agegrp , df(5) bhaz(rate) scale(hazard) eform nolog /* Refit model using complete records approach */ replace stage=. if stage==0 stpm2 ib1.stage i.agegrp , df(5) bhaz(rate) scale(hazard) eform nolog // The outcome should be included in the imputation model. // Falcaro et al suggest the Nelson-Aalen estimate of cum. hazard. sts gen H=na // Declare multiple-imputation data and register variables accordingly mi set flong mi register imputed stage mi register regular subsite agegrp sex mi register passive _rcs* _d_rcs* // Perform imputation. // This creates 10 additional copies of the obs with missing stage. // Carpenter and Kenward (2013) suggest 30 imputations. We use 10. set seed 29390 mi impute chained (mlogit) stage = i.subsite sex i.agegrp H _d, add(10) list id _mi_m agegrp sex stage _t _d if id==2287 list id _mi_m agegrp sex stage _t _d if id==3362 list id _mi_m agegrp sex stage _t _d if id==3501 // stpm2 is not an official Stata command we need to use cmd ok option // Save the estimates so that they can be used for making predictions mi estimate, dots cmdok sav(mi_stpm2,replace): /// stpm2 ib1.stage i.agegrp, df(5) bhaz(rate) scale(hazard) nolog eform // predict survival using -mi predictnl- // we specify timevar to force recalculation of the spline variables mi predictnl survimp2 = predict(survival at(agegrp 2) timevar(_t)) using mi_stpm2 // compare predictions to complete case analysis stpm2 ib1.stage i.agegrp if _mi_m==0, df(5) scale(h) bhaz(rate) predict surv, survival at(agegrp 2) line surv survimp2 _t if stage==1 & _mi_m==0, sort || /// line surv survimp2 _t if stage==2 & _mi_m==0, sort || /// line surv survimp2 _t if stage==3 & _mi_m==0, sort /// title("Predicted survival for agegrp==2 (60-74)") /// legend(order(1 "Localised (Complete)" 2 "Localised (Imputed)" /// 3 "Regional (Complete)" 4 "Regional (Imputed)" /// 5 "Distant (Complete)" 6 "Distant (Imputed)")) /// name(imputed, replace) ysize(8) xsize(11) ytitle("Relative survival") /// title("Relative survival by stage") xtitle("years since diagnosis") graph export multiple-imputation2.svg, replace