This page shows code for calculating the Pohar-Perme non-parametric estimate of marginal relative survival using the following four user-written Stata commands.
stnet strs stpp stns Code comparing the estimates from strs, stns, stpp, and stns is available for two data sets:
Illustrates how to fit a model using patient data and then predict in a second dataset specifically constructed to contain only the covariates for which we wish to predict. Age is modelled using a restricted cubic spline.
Illustrates how to fit a model using patient data and then predict in a second dataset specifically constructed to contain only the covariates for which we wish to predict. Age is modelled using a restricted cubic spline.
The code used in this tutorial, along with links to the data, is available here.
This code illustrates how to apply the “Brenner alternative approach” to age-standardise net survival using external (ICSS) weights.
We will partition the total effect of sex into the natural indirect effect (mediated by stage) and the natural direct effect. We then illustrate how to estimate the proportion of the sex difference mediated by stage. Emphasis is on illustrating how these quantities can be estimated in Stata using the standsurv command; we won't discuss the neccessary assumptions and their appropriateness.